Something wicked?
Thanks to all the gods! – yes, the house is still here!
But the barns aren’t.
They were still standing when I left here last night. Not now. Both of them, the main structure’s just vanished. A few bits of scrap-timber lying on the ground, but that’s it – and what little there is of it is now just worm-raddled wrecks, flaking into dust right before my eyes.
But it doesn’t look like anyone’s demolished them. More like they’ve demolished themselves, all on their own.
Something wicked this way comes…?
Thanks to all the gods! – yes, the house is still here!
But the barns aren’t.
They were still standing when I left here last night. Not now. Both of them, the main structure’s just vanished. A few bits of scrap-timber lying on the ground, but that’s it – and what little there is of it is now just worm-raddled wrecks, flaking into dust right before my eyes.
But it doesn’t look like anyone’s demolished them. More like they’ve demolished themselves, all on their own.
Something wicked this way comes…?
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