Still only fragments

Seems some fragments of the Agreement did continue on after Cromwell’s wipeout. Bits of it resurface in the Bill of Rights 1689, from the reign of William and Mary. And even in the United States Constitution, almost another whole century later.

But it’s still only fragments. Would be kind of interesting to look at the implications if we’d kept and applied the whole thing, right from the start – because that’s what seems to have happened in Aunt Kat’s world.

Seems some fragments of the Agreement did continue on after Cromwell’s wipeout. Bits of it resurface in the Bill of Rights 1689, from the reign of William and Mary. And even in the United States Constitution, almost another whole century later.

But it’s still only fragments. Would be kind of interesting to look at the implications if we’d kept and applied the whole thing, right from the start – because that’s what seems to have happened in Aunt Kat’s world.

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